Domestic Students
1. Take A Discovery Flight
Our flight school professionals are ready to help you learn to fly! The Discovery Flight is a great introduction to the aviation world. This is your opportunity to fly with an instructor and actually fly the airplane. After your flight, your instructor will explain to you the ground and flight experience required for obtaining a Pilot Certificate.
2. Apply At The Flight School
When you are ready to sign up, you will need to bring the following to the Flight School Inc.-
A. Document(s) to establish identity and US Citizenship
Option 1: One document - Current US passport
Option 2: Two documents -
(i) Current government-issued photo ID (driver's license, military ID, etc.)
(ii) One of the following:
- Original or government-issued US Birth Certificate
- Original Certificate of Birth Abroad with raised seal
- Original Certificate of US Citizenship with raised seal
- Certificate of Repatriation
- Original US Naturalization Certificate with raised seal
B. Complete the Flight School Enrollment Form At Any Location
You can either print and complete the form, and bring it with you; or we can print it at the Flight School and you can complete it when you arrive.
Once we receive all the required artifacts, we will create a student folder for you. This folder will stay in the School records.
3. Sign Up For Flight Schedule Pro
We know you have a busy schedule, so we make it easy for you to schedule flight lessons on-line. Just click the link above to register on Flight Schedule Pro. After registering, The Flight School will get an email to verify your account. Once you are approved, scheduling is easily done from your desktop, cell phone or tablet.
4. Start Flying!
Let the fun begin by taking your first flight into the beautiful blue skies of Georgia!
-Before You Solo-
5. Obtain Your Medical Certificate
We recommend that you obtain your FAA Medical Certificate as soon as possible, but you are required to have it before you solo. You can find a list of Aviation Medical Examiners on the FAA site.
6. Apply For Your Student Pilot Certificate
Your instructor will work with you to get your Student Pilot Certificate through Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA)